DoIP Compatible KVM'S
A list of DoIP compatible KVM (Keyless Vehicle Modules)
Model numbers are listed within the product description however if you cannot find or are unsure as to which KVM is required please contact us.
This module will require programming before it is operational. The unit should be programmed with JLR Pathfinder software under the 'Replace ECU' option in KVM diagnostics menu. You will require a minimum of two keys to complete the configuration.
This unit is 'once programmable' - you only have one opportunity to program this unit and any available keys. After programming the unit will lock and it will not be possible to reconfigure it. All keys must be programmed together, and any keys not programmed during the initial programming session will be deleted and cannot be added at a later date. If you require more keys at a later date you will have to again replace the KVM unit.
This item cannot be returned as it falls under our non-refundable products classification.