Lonsdor OBD Land Rover Jaguar Spare or Lost key programming & Emergency Start Programmer Worldwide Solution
Forget Kvm Changes to Supply Keys for Range Rover Jaguar 2010 to 2020 Models with Type 1 Keys
2018 to 2022 need kvm change to add keys and can support this for new type of keys with PEPS or NON PEPS
Note KVM change only for EU clients and for USA no KVM changes are required
we have all kvms in stock and cheaper non peps keys that can be used.
FULL Support from Oliveston Ltd for Spare or Lost Keys Programming Solutions All Models 2010 up Smart Keys
Type 2 OBD Programming Keys Options for 2015 to 2022+ Models
- Package has Lonsdor K518S OBD + Mcu Programmer Kit for Lonsdor
- 1 Lonsdor JLR Connector for 2015-2021 Jaguar Land Rover HPLA JPLA K8D2 Version All Keys Lost via OBD
- 1 Licence for JLR Lost keys or spare keys Jaguar Land Rover HPLA JPLA K8D2 Version All Keys Lost via OBD
- 2 Lonsdor Smart Key for 2015 to 2018 Jaguar Land Rover 315MHz/ 433MHz Works with K518ISE K518S
- 2 units 315MHz 433 MHZ Lonsdor JLR Jaguar Land Rover 2018-2021 Smart Key with Key Shell & LOGO for K518ISE K518S

What's the difference between Lonsdor K518ISE and Lonsdor K518S?
K518ISE VS K518S
1, Both of K518ISE and K518S include basic software and charge software.
2, Basic software will be free for life, and charge software need to pay subscription fee after trial period.
3, Both of K518ISE and K518S have one year trial period for charge software.
1, Subscription cost for K518S is USD$600 or 500 GBP , for K518ISE is USD$480 or 400 GBP for 12 Months.